Home Pharmacy

Home Pharmacy is an app that helps You keep Your medicine under control 🙂

Ever faced a situation when You bought a drug a doctor prescribed only to find few of those already in Your home first aid kit?

Or suddenly found out that You run out of daily prescribed drug?

Or forgot to take a prescribed drug?

Home Pharmacy app will solve all of these problems.

  • 1. You can define drug names and drug variants (like Vitamin C – 1000 mg, 1500 mg, etc.).
  • 2. You can define that some drugs can replace others. You can then keep information about which packages of drugs You have – either manually, or by scanning barcodes. You can also enter information about their validity.
  • 4. You can add schedules – with information which drugs at which times You need to take, and have application automatically decrease the number of that drug, remind You about the dosage.

Features summary:

  • - Keep information about drug quantities you have in Your home first aid kit
  • - Be alerted when drug validity runs out
  • - Be alerted when You’re running low on a certain drug
  • - Be alerted when its time to take Your drug (one time, or with any cycle)
  • - Automatically decrease the drugs You take regularly
Get it for FREE!